Junkee Rhie, Ph.D. [publons] [ORCID] Professor of Seismology Ph.D. in Geophysics (UC Berkeley, 2006) E-mail: rhie(at)snu.ac.kr Phone: +82-2-880-6731 (or 8172) Homepage: http://seismo.snu.ac.kr |
Sang-Hyun Lee, Ph.D. [publons] [ORCID] Senior Researcher Ph.D. in Seismology (SNU, 2016) E-mail: hiuni3(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Receiver Function Analysis |
Hwa Sung Cheon, Ph.D. [publons] [ORCID] Senior Researcher Ph.D. in Physics (Yonsei University, 2011) E-mail: symmetry(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Seismic Waveform Simulations ¡Ü Fault rupture model |
Jung-Hun Song, Ph.D. [publons] [ORCID] Senior Researcher Ph.D. in Seismology (SNU, 2021) E-mail: wjdgns230(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Teleseismic Travel Time Tomography |
Hyejeong Cho, B.S. [publons] [ORCID] Ph.D. Candidate B.S. in EES (SNU, 2017) E-mail: ezyo0101(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Ambient Noise |
Jaeseoung Han, B.S. [publons] [ORCID] Ph.D. Candidate B.S. in Earth System Sciences (Yonsei University, 2017) E-mail: llfine.applell(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Subsurface structures |
Cheng Song, M.S. [publons] [ORCID] Ph.D. Candidate M.S. in Earth Science (ANU, 2018) E-mail: songcheng(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Bayesian Inversion |
Eunbyeol Cho, M.S. [publons] [ORCID] Ph.D. Student M.S. in Seismology (SNU, 2020) E-mail: echo93(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Empirical Green¡¯s Function |
Min Hyug Koh, B.S. [publons] [ORCID] M.S. Student B.S. in Geological Sciences (UNC-CH, 2017) E-mail: mintyfresh94(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Sub-surface Structure |
Minsuk Kweon, B.S. [publons] [ORCID] M.S. Student B.S. in Earth Science Education (SNU, 2021) E-mail: whatssa0505(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü TBD |
Donglin Choi, B.S. [publons] [ORCID] M.S. Student B.S. in EES (SNU, 2023) E-mail: tllc46(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü Volcano Monitoring |
Woojin Kim, B.S. [publons] [ORCID] M.S. Student B.S. in Geological Sciences (CNU, 2019) E-mail: kuj7780(at)snu.ac.kr Research Topic: ¡Ü TBD |
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Alumni (Ph.D.) |
So-Young Baag, Ph.D. (2023) [publons] [ORCID] Rupture properties of the shallow megathrust and deep earthquakes in the Japan Subduction zone Postdoctoral Researcher at KIGAM |
Donghee Park, Ph.D. (2022) [publons] [ORCID] Investigating Characteristics of Near-Source Strong Ground Motions using Pseudo-Dynamic Source Models Chief Researcher at KHNP |
Sungho Lee, Ph.D. (2022) [publons] [ORCID] Study on driving forces for earthquakes in the southern Korean Peninsula using multiphysics modeling and seismic tomography Researcher at KIGAM |
Jung-Hun Song, Ph.D. (2021) [publons] [ORCID] Seismological Constraints on the Upper Mantle Structure in Northeast Asia and Implications for Mantle Dynamics and Intraplate Volcanism Senior Researcher at SeismoLab@SNU |
Jeong-Ung Woo, Ph.D. (2020) [publons] [ORCID] Seismic source analysis with multi-faceted approaches Postdoctoral Researcher at Los Alamos National Lab |
Sang-Jun Lee, Ph.D. (2020) [publons] [ORCID] Shear wave velocity and radial anisotropy beneath Northeast Asia from ambient noise tomography Professor at Korea National University of Education |
Tae-Gyu Yee, Ph.D. (2017) [publons] [ORCID] Complex inner core of the Earth constrained by differential travel times and differential ray parameters N/A |
Sang-Hyun Lee, Ph.D. (2016) [publons] [ORCID] Study of the upper mantle discontinuities around the Korean Peninsula using teleseismic receiver functions with a common conversion point (CCP) stacking method Senior Researcher at SeismoLab@SNU |
Seongryong Kim, Ph.D. (2014) [publons] [ORCID] Estimation of regional seismic velocity models and their uncertainties using various methods Professor at Korea University |
Seung-Hoon Yoo, Ph.D. (2010) [publons] [ORCID] Investigation of Earthquake Source Using Coda-Derived Methods Researcher at Applied Research Associates (ARA) |
Alumni (M.S.) |
Jaeseok Lee, M.S. (2022) [publons] [ORCID] Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Korean Peninsula from Physics-Based Ground Motion Simulations of Local and Overseas Scenario Earthquakes Ph.D. student at Brown University |
Yunsun Jung, M.S. (2021) [publons] [ORCID] Hypocenter Determination of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake Sequence Using a 3-D Velocity Model in South Korea N/A |
Yeongjae Choi, M.S. (2021) [publons] [ORCID] Shallow Crustal Structure Beneath the Southern Korean Peninsula Revealed by Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity from Earthquake Data Researcher at KMA |
Eunbyeol Cho, M.S. (2020) [publons] [ORCID] Finite fault inversion of the 2017 Mw 5.5 Pohang earthquake using an empirical Green¡¯s function method Ph.D. Student at SeismoLab@SNU |
Sae Woon Choi, M.S. (2020) [publons] [ORCID] Ground motion prediction equation for the Korean Peninsula using Generic GMPE Senior Manager at KHNP |
Gyeongdon Chai, M.S. (2020) [publons] [ORCID] Stress drop scaling of the 2016 Gyeongju and 2017 Pohang seismic sequences using coda-based methods Researcher at KMA |
Sungwon Cho, M.S. (2016) [publons] [ORCID] Velocity structure of upper mantle discontinuities from waveform modelling of triplicated phases using Korean station Ph.D. Student at Saint Louis University |
So-Young Baag, M.S. (2014) [publons] [ORCID] Fast determination of megathrust rupture processes and an application to the great 2011 Tohoku-oki, Japan, earthquake Postdoctoral Researcher at KIGAM |
Sang-Jun Lee, M.S. (2014) [publons] [ORCID] Ambient noise tomography for the Ulleung basin and surrounding regions Professor at Korea National University of Education |
Tae-Gyu Yee, M.S. (2010) [publons] [ORCID] P-wave velocity structure near the inner core boundary N/A |
Last Modified: 2022/08/30 |