Coda Magnitudes of Local Earthquakes

Location map of the 392 events and 17 broadband stations used in this study. Symbol size is proportional to the code-derived moment magnitude of event.


Corner frequency versus seismic moment for the earthquakes with Mw > 2.0 (Gray open circles). The dark solid circles indicate the selected events, radiated energies of which are calculated without corrections for band limitation to be large than 80% of the corrected radiated energies. The black line indicates the best-fit regression using all events with Mw > 2.0. The gray line inidicates the same regression line for events in the western United States. For reference, the plots of the self-similar scaling lines for constant apparent stresses of 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 MPa are shown with dotted gray lines.


(a) Radiated energy and seismic moment for the earthquakes with Mw > 2.0 (open circles). Dark solid circles represent the same plot for selected events, radiated energies of which are calculated without corrections for band limitation to be larger than 80% of the corrected radiated energies. Dotted gray lines indicate the self-similar scaling lines for constant stress drop of 0.001, 0.1, 1, and 10, 100 MPa. (b) Scaled energy versus seismic moment for the events. The open black circles indicate selected events (dark solid circle in [a]). Crosses and dark solid circles indicate 20 Fukuoka events and 12 common events in our study. The dotted gray line represents constant scaled energy obtained from large earthquakes.




Seung-Hoon Yoo, Junkee Rhie, Hoseon Choi, and Kevin Mayeda (2011), Coda-Derived Source Parameters of Earthquakes and Their Scaling Relationships in the Korean Peninsula, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101, 2388-2390. [PDF]


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